DACRYLの高硬度アクリル樹脂はクリスタルと同等の透明度とガラスの10倍の強度を持ちながら重量はガラスの1/2と軽く、加工もしやすい画期的なマテリアル。当初より植物をはじめ様々な物質を取り入れたアーティスティックな製品を創り出してきましたが、和紙来歩が誇る和紙との出会いにより日本の伝統美と革新の技術が見事に融合。人々を魅了する新素材の誕生が 建築装飾界に新風をもたらします。
DACRYL's high-hardness acrylic resin is a ground-breaking material that is as light as one-half glass and easy to process, while having the same transparency as crystals and 10 times the strength of glass. From the beginning, he has created artistic products incorporating plants and various other substances, but his encounter with Japanese paper, which is proud of the success of Japanese paper, brings about a fusion of traditional Japanese beauty and technology of innovation. The birth of new materials that attract people brings a new style to the architectural decoration world.
With its suitability for outdoor use, DACRYL offers limitless potential in architectural decor.